Irrespective of whether the atrial fibrillation is constant or occurs in paroxysms, that is, it is intermittent, the decision to administer antiplatelet drugs or anticoagulants should depend on the patient’s cumulative risk factors. These risk factors include age and previous medical history.
Drug treatment for atrial fibrillation
Looking to the future for the management of AF and prevention of stroke
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is becoming an epidemic, affecting 1% to 2% of the population in the developed world. Looking to the future, the prevalence of AF will grow dramatically in the coming decades as the elderly population increases. The growing numbers underline the need to improve the detection of patients with AF and measures for reducing their risk of stroke.
It takes a minute: check your patient’s pulse to see if they are in atrial fibrillation
The prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) is increasing with the ageing population. It is well worth detecting and treating as it carries a significant risk of debilitating disease, including stroke and heart failure. This article explains some of the health risks and describes simple actions that can play an important part in both the prevention and management of AF and its consequences.
Why does atrial fibrillation increase the risk of stroke?
Each year there are 150,000 strokes in the UK. Nearly one in five (18%) of the people presenting with a stroke are in atrial fibrillation (AF) at the time of presentation, and one in six strokes are directly attributable to AF. The risk of stroke in AF is reduced by two-thirds with oral anticoagulation, while antiplatelet therapy reduces stroke by one-fifth. The reduction with antiplatelet therapy is broadly consistent with the stroke reduction seen with this therapy in patients with vascular disease or risk factors, and, given that AF largely coexists with vascular disease, the effect of antiplatelet therapy would probably reflect this. The risk of stroke is similar with paroxysmal or permanent AF, in the presence of associated risk factors.
Three simple steps to reduce strokes associated with atrial fibrillation
Stroke is devastating – for the person affected, their family and the NHS. Figures in the recent NICE guideline on stroke show that around 110,000 people have a first or recurrent stroke each year in England, and a further 20,000 have a transient ischaemic attack (TIA).
The government’s new public health strategy, Healthy Lives, Healthy People, aims to transform public health and – perhaps for the first time – to create a ‘wellness’ service to meet today’s health challenges. We may have our reservations about the NHS reforms, but improving public health is something we can all sign up to. So this issue of BJPCN focuses on one of today’s key public health challenges – obesity.
Moving stroke prevention up the healthcare agenda
“There are lots of really powerful examples around o f things we can do to improve quality while improving productivity”
This statement from Sir David Nicholson, the NHS Chief Executive, appears on the NHS Evidence website, where the recognition and optimal treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) is given as one of the top six Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) examples from across the entire NHS.
Transient ischaemic attack: act fast to reduce the risk of stroke
The White Paper, Saving lives: our healthier nation (1999), set out a target to reduce the death rate from coronary heart disease and related illnesses such as stroke by 40% in the under-75s by 2010; recent trends indicate that this target will be met. Although the past forty years have seen a significant reduction in age-standardised stroke mortality rates, stroke still accounts for around 53,000 deaths each year in the UK, with more than 9,500 of these occurring in the under-75s. This article reviews how we might reduce the huge burden of stroke by improving the management of transient ischaemic attack (TIA).
Stroke prevention in atrial fibrilliation: How can we improve management in primary care?
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an important – yet preventable – cause of stroke. About 12,500 strokes each year are thought to be directly attributable to AF.1 Cost-benefit analysis from the Department of Health suggests that for stroke patients with AF there are about 4,300 deaths in hospital, 3,200 discharges to residential care and 8,500 deaths […]
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. Once upon a time… Telling stories is something that many of us do with our children. But what about with our patients, and what about encouraging patients to tell their stories? In this issue of BJPCN, we share some exciting new research showing that patients with high blood pressure can learn from each others’ stories. And we help you to fill in the gaps so you’ve got a clear story to tell during routine consultations with patients with cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Long live the difference? Why women lose out in heart health
In the UK, the last 30 years have seen a significant decline in deaths from coronary heart disease (CHD) in men, but the fall has been less significant in women. This may be because women need a different, more gender-specific approach if they are to benefit fully from recent advances in treatment.