Dr Kevin Fernando and Jane Diggle bring us the first masterclass in the Lipid Management series, discussing where we are with current guidance.
Chronic conditions blended learning 2023
Blended e-based learning with a face-to-face interactive workshop, this programme provides practical answers to critical issues in the daily care of patients with chronic diseases seen in primary care including heart disease, atrial fibrillation, chronic kidney disease and diabetes.
Diabetes Masterclass (3/3): NICE Cardiovascular risk
Jane Diggle & Dr Kevin Fernando discuss cardiovascular risk in relation to the recently published update to NICE guidance on the management of Type 2 Diabetes in adults (NG28)
Diabetes Masterclass (2/3): NICE Chronic Kidney Disease in Diabetes
Jane Diggle & Dr Kevin Fernando discuss the management of diabetic kidney disease in relation to the recently published update to NICE guidance on the management of Type 2 Diabetes in adults (NG28)
Diabetes Masterclass (1/3): Navigating NICE NG28
Jane Diggle & Dr Kevin Fernando take us through the implementation of the recently published update to NICE guidance on the management of Type 2 Diabetes in adults (NG28) and what it means for primary care.
CV Masterclass (4/6): Anticoagulation
Dr Yassir Javaid brings us the fourth reverse case study driven discussion from the Cardiovascular Masterclass series on improving outcomes of anticoagulation.
CV Masterclass (3/6): Valvular disease
Dr Yassir Javaid and Dr Sayan Sen bring us the third reverse case study driven discussion from the Cardiovascular Masterclass series on improving outcomes of valvular disease.
SGLT2 (5/5) – SGLT2 inhibitors: Latest from NICE
Professor Cliff Bailey and Dr Martin Hadley-Brown provide a 30 minute update on the latest guidance from NICE about SGLT2 inhibitors.
CV Masterclass (2/6): Angina & CAD
Dr Yassir Javaid hosts the second reverse case study driven discussion from the Cardiovascular Masterclass series on improving outcomes of angina and coronary artery disease.
CV Masterclass (1/6): Heart failure
Dr Yassir Javaid hosts the first unique new reverse case study driven discussion from the Cardiovascular Masterclass series on improving heart failure outcomes.
Spotlight on syncope
Dr Lesley Kavi describes the resources available from The Syncope Spotlight Project and how to access them and talks about the search for an underlying diagnosis, appropriate investigations, syncope red flags and when to refer.
SGLT2 (4/5) – SGLT2 inhibitors: What we need to know from 2021
Professor Cliff Bailey and Dr Martin Hadley-Brown provide a 30 minute update on what you need to know about SGLT2 inhibitors from the 2021 congresses.