Target PAD is a multidisciplinary group of expert clinicians, working to improve outcomes and quality of life for patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). PAD is an important and common condition, which is currently under-diagnosed and underrated worldwide and in the UK. Target PAD’s mission is to improve education and awareness of the disease among patients, health professionals and […]
Dragging their feet: The cost of sub-optimal treatment for patients diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease
The essentials of diet and supplements for improving cardiovascular health
The BEAUTIFUL study: underlining the importance of heart rate
Sixty years on, and it is the quality that counts
Early indications of best practice in reducing the inequalities in vascular health in England
Cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes
C-reactive protein as a marker of cardiovascular risk. Chicken, egg or turkey?
Improving patient adherence to prescribed medication for cholesterol management
Implementing the NICE guideline for secondary prevention of MI
High blood pressure: only one number matters for patients over 50
Review calls for greater effort to diagnose and treat peripheral arterial disease
Around one-third of patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) fail to receive appropriate antiplatelet treatment, warns a review from an expert panel, which highlights the huge cost of sub-optimal treatment of PAD on the NHS, the economy as a whole and on the individuals affected.