Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is used widely in secondary care hypertension clinics, so what about its use in the primary care setting, where the majority of hypertension clinics take place? What are the potential benefits of ambulatory monitoring? Which patients should ABPM be used for? In this article we review the nuts and bolts of ABPM – when to use it, how to perform the test to obtain an accurate assessment of 24-hour BP and how to apply the results in clinical practice.
Measuring waist circumference will help target diabetes prevention
Primary care nurses can target efforts to prevent type 2 diabetes by measuring patients’ waist circumference, according to a new definition of metabolic syndrome announced recently by the International Diabetes Federation. The definition focuses on excess abdominal fat – which results in people being ‘apple’ shaped – as a key contributor to the development of the dangerous mix of impaired glucose control, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia that sets people on the road to type 2 diabetes. Just looking at people’s body shape as they come into the surgery, measuring their waist size and taking steps to reduce it where indicated, can help in the ongoing fight against the disease.
Chewing the fat
Some fat is essential for maintaining good health, in order to provide essential fatty acids and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Essential fatty acids can only be derived from foods because they cannot be synthesised by the body. However, the hard truth is that essential fatty acids represent only a very small amount of total energy needs and most people still consume too much fat. How much fat should we be eating? What is the difference between different types of fats and what advice should we be giving patients about fats to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease?
Diagnosing diabetes
The number of people with diabetes in the UK is almost 1.8 million and this is continuing to rise, according to recent figures. But only about half of these are currently diagnosed. It is obviously essential to ensure that these people are diagnosed as early as possible and then managed appropriately to ensure they receive the best possible care to minimise long-term complications. In this article, we review how to diagnose diabetes accurately, based on good practice recommended in standard two of the National Service Framework (NSF) for Diabetes. What should we be measuring in people who present with the classic symptoms and in those who do not to ensure an accurate diagnosis of diabetes?
Healthy eating for type 2 diabetes: let’s go shopping
People with diabetes used to be advised to watch their carbohydrate – particularly sugar – intake. But dietary recommendations have developed over the past few years so that they are now similar to the healthy diet that we should all be eating. Are there any remaining differences in what we should be telling patients with diabetes about their diet? Fewer than you might think. In this article we take a ‘supermarket tour’ that explains what patients with diabetes should be putting in their trolleys and what they should be leaving on the shelves.
Changing practice in hypertension: ASCOT win for newer antihypertensives
The British Hypertension Society Guidelines published last year were widely welcomed as a major step forward in the management of patients with high blood pressure. In common with all recent guidelines they were based on a review of all relevant evidence, mainly gained from clinical trials. However, medicine is never static and research is ongoing. A major study – ASCOT – has provided new information about the benefits of newer combinations of antihypertensives compared to older drugs. What did the study show and how should we act on the results to improve outcomes for our patients?
Isolated systolic hypertension
Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) – an increase in the higher of the two numbers when blood pressure (BP) is measured – is the commonest type of high BP in older people over the age of 60. The systolic pressure used to be dismissed as less important than the lower number – diastolic BP – but studies have shown that it is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. ISH accounts for up to 75% of the overall incidence of uncontrolled hypertension in the elderly and appears to be more common in women than men.
How to score top marks for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease
In this second article in our series on the Quality and Outcome Framework (QOF), we will discuss how to maximise points in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) and heart failure. This will include lipid management and smoking cessation.
One year on: boldly going where no primary care nurse has gone before
Welcome to the first year anniversary issue of the British Journal of Primary Care Nursing (BJPCN). It has been an eventful year for primary care nurses, with new challenges coming from all directions. In each issue of the journal we have tried to provide practical information and tools to help you find your way through the expanding universe of primary care in cardiovascular disease and diabetes – to boldly go where no primary care nurse has gone before!
Making sense of the Quality and Outcome Framework of the new GP Contract
The Quality and Outcome Framework (QOF) of the new GP Contract will be the biggest experiment in improving the quality of care for patients anywhere in the world. By April 2005, we will see how well Primary Care can deliver. In this series, we provide a step-by-step guide on how your practice can get QOF points, including practical information on what data to collect and how to record it. Over the coming months, we will be discussing the best ways to maximise the quality of care and will concentrate on the cardiovascular and diabetes elements of the QOF. We will discuss the setting up of registers, practical tips, examples from practices that are delivering well, how to check how well you are doing from your own IT system and from Quality Management Analysis System and, of course, how to deal with exception reporting and the PCT QOF visit.
Oily fish and cardiovascular disease
The management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in primary care has been transformed in recent years, particularly with extensive use of statins in secondary prevention. But what about the less high-tech approach of getting patients to eat more healthily? Dietary advice has traditionally been offered primarily to those needing to lose weight or lower their lipid levels. But more recently, systematic reviews have shown good evidence that dietary changes can reduce mortality and morbidity in addition to modifying some risk factors in patients with coronary heart disease. Evidence to date suggests similar benefits of healthier eating are likely in primary prevention. In this new series – Food for Thought – we sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to dietary advice for patients with cardiovascular disease. This article will focus on the benefits of oily fish, with the good news that simply increasing oily fish intake achieves major benefits.
Practical approaches to empowering people with cardiovascular disease or diabetes
For people with long-term conditions, self-care can have as much, if not more, influence on their health than prescribed medication and treatment. Yet, in many cases, healthcare professionals become frustrated when attempts to improve peoples’ self-care behaviours prove unsuccessful. This article looks at some of the reasons why it can be difficult to encourage people with diabetes or cardiovascular disease to look after themselves effectively; what types of practice can help us to increase people’s success in managing long-term conditions; and how we can incorporate empowering techniques in our day-to-day consultations.