People with diabetes need to plan carefully for holidays, especially if they are treated with insulin. Although much of the advice will be the same as for the general population, these patients are more vulnerable and will need to take particular care in looking after themselves to avoid any ill health while away from home.
A practical guide to starting patients with type 2 diabetes on insulin
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is rising and people are developing the condition at an earlier age. Type 2 diabetes becomes progressively more difficult to control over time, so many people need to start on insulin therapy as the pancreas is no longer able to meet the body’s insulin requirements on its own. In this article,we look at the practical issues involved in helping a patient to start on insulin therapy for their diabetes.
Treating your heavy periods: the intrauterine system (IUS)
Optimising insulin treatment in primary care
Everyone with diabetes deserves the highest standards of personalised diabetes care, no matter where, when or by whom this care is delivered.