The NHS has launched an innovative free Quit Kit to give smokers the right tools to help them successfully stop smoking. The NHS Stop Smoking Quit Kit, which has been designed by experts and smokers, contains calming audio downloads, a ‘stress toy’ and a tool to help smokers work out how much money they are saving by quitting. A recent survey of smokers in the East of England showed that nearly half (44%) wanted help to manage cravings, one third of smokers wanted tools and advice to strengthen willpower and 30% simply want something to do with their hands. Nicotine gum and patches were the most popular aids to quitting, with 30% of smokers planning on using a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) such as gum or patches this New Year. The new free Quit Kit contains tools that have either been scientifically proven to help reduce cravings or have been developed in response to smokers’ needs. It includes:
· a “train to win” willpower assessor helping quitters to identify smoking triggers and providing tips on how to avoid them;
· two MP3 downloads that are scientifically proven to reduce cravings;
· a “tangle” – a new stress-relieving distraction tool for the hands, to help manage cravings;
· a toothbrush – to remind quitters of the benefits of fresher breath and so they can see the difference when they brush (smokers get a yellow residue on their toothbrush);
· a health/wealth wheel to work out how much money quitters can save and the immediate health benefits of quitting smoking;
· an A3 “Quit plan” wall chart so that quitters can mark their progress over 28 days and stay focused;
· details of local NHS Stop Smoking Services, where people can access NRT and stop smoking medicines, and tailored support – either through one-to-one or group sessions.
The free Quit Kits are being publicised in a series of adverts that show smokers how the right tools for the job can help them stop smoking. These are running alongside a powerful advertising campaign aimed at motivating smokers to quit by demonstrating how much their smoking affects their loved ones.