Brand new Digital CRAFT Cards
We are delighted to announce that we are currently developing a brand new concept for Issues & Answers, a digital version of our highly acclaimed Clinical Craft Cards.
These new digital versions will not only be available for you to download to your personal devices but will also include the functionality that will expand the simplified memory aide information into a new all-inclusive, interactive tool with the capability of linking out to relevant and important external guidance, thus providing you with access to everything you need to know within one handy resource.
Also, the digital format means a more engaging learning experience, along with the ability to receive more frequent content updates, ensuring you always have the latest information to hand.
The card sets will be made available FREE to access as a member of the Issues & Answers community. They will serve not only as a learning tool, but also as a handy resource to refer to quickly and easily during consultations where specific questions may arise.
Set 1: Supporting the implementation of the Freestyle Libre 2 system in the management of Type 2 diabetes in Primary Care
The first set in the series is for primary care professionals, providing them with all the guidance and advice needed to support the implementation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) using Freestyle Libre 2 in the management of Type 2 Diabetes.
The overall aim is to equip clinicians with the knowledge, skills and competence to implement CGM safely and effectively using Freestyle Libre 2.
The interactive tool is divided into clear chapters that will focus on the key topic areas:
- What is CGM? The benefits, who is eligible and CGM & driving
- The Freestyle Libre 2 system, initiation, tech set-up and applying the sensor
- Interpreting the data, App information, sharing data, and understanding the glucose metrics
- Further resources

Each interactive page contains links to other pages within the set, along with links to external guidance documents and references, plus a link to the Abbott Libre Hub for primary care.
Sign up now to ensure you will be one of the first to receive access to the digital CGM Craft Cards. By registering, you are providing us with your contact details which will enable us to notify you of any future content updates.

Content generation and development provided by Jane Diggle, Specialist Diabetes Nurse Practitioner, West Yorkshire. Underwritten and designed by Fiona Millard, Medical Copywriting and Design at Vivid Iris.
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This material has been supported via an unrestricted educational grant from Abbott Diabetes Care Division. Any Abbott images used within this set have been reproduced with permission from Abbott Diabetes Care Division.
© 2025 Abbott. The sensor housing, FreeStyle, Libre, and related brand marks are marks of Abbott.
The content, opinions and statements made in this resource are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the supporters, editors or editorial board.
Images shown are for illustrative purposes only and may not accurately represent the final product.